
7 May 2024

  • Antonio Novo, President of the European Clusters Alliance
  • Jan-Philippe Kramer, Team Leader, Data and Policy, European Cluster Collaboration Platform, Prognos
  • Teodora Jilkova, International Relations & Business Development, Cluster Veritas – Services of the European Cluster Collaboration Platform
  • Thierry Breton, European Commissioner for Internal Market (video message)
  • Mark Andries, General Administrator, Flanders Innovation & Entrepreneurship (VLAIO)
  • Christian Ketels, Director and Co-Chair of Innovation Fund Denmark, and Senior Advisor of House of Governance at Stockholm School of Economics
  • Montse Daban, President of the Council of European Bioregions (CEBR)
  • Bianca Muntean, Transilvania ICT Cluster,
  • Andrea Barbagelata, SME Counsellor for Aerospace, Security and Defence Industries Association of Europe
  • Moderator: Kerstin Jorna, Director General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs, European Commission
  • Moderator: Jakub Boratynski, Director for Networks and Governance, Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs, European Commission

  • Parallel session 1 – Green Transition - Grand Hall 2 - Room A
  • Parallel session 2 – Digital Transition - Grand Hall 2 - Room B
    • Jens Verbeeck, CEO, Magics Technologies NV

  • Parallel session 3 – Resilience Building - Copper Foyer

  • Parallel session 1 – Skills - Grand Hall 2 Room A
    • Alain Tubiana, Head of Master in Cluster Management and Regional Networks, University of Strasbourg, and Chairman of gnomon

  • Parallel session 2 – Funding - Grand Hall 2 Room B
  • Parallel session 3 – Technology - Copper Foyer
    • Andrew Lynch, Chief Innovation Officer, Irish Manufacturing Research

8 May 2024

  • Parallel session 1 - Grand Hall 2 – Metaclusters – Building new or reshaping existing value chains 
    Building new or reshaping existing value chains

  • Parallel session 2 - Copper Foyer – Creating shared value through clusters
    Aligning business with social and environment
    • Alberto Pezzi, Clusters Senior Manager, ACCIÓ
    • Elisabetta Bracci, Manager, Clust-ER Innovate
    • Ola Svedin, Cluster Manager, Swedish Mobile Heights
    • Mykyta Fisenko, Project Manager, "Molodvizh" Youth NGO and Coordinator of Youth Entrepreneurship Programs for European Youth Capital 2025
    • Moderator: Lucia Seel, General Manager, Lucia Seel International Consulting GmbH
  • Parallel session 3 - Copper Foyer – Strengthening the EU’s defence, health, energy and economic security 

  • Parallel session 4 - Grand Hall 2 – Boosting EU clusters’ competitiveness through internationalisation
    • Silvia Brembati, Project Manager, LE2C
    • Vladimir Gumilar, Director, Construction Cluster of Slovenia
    • Louise Gubanski, International Project Manager, Ecoliance RLP
    • Sara Martínez, Business Development Manager, Fundación Hidrógeno Aragón
    • Rigo Belpaire, Acting Head of Unit, Private Sector Engagement, Directorate-General for International Partnerships, European Commission
    • Moderator: Ander Gonzalez, Basque Energy Cluster

  • Parallel session 6 - Copper Foyer – Bolstering start-ups and scale-ups