Data Protection Notice for the “European Cluster Conference 2024 and its side events”
Brussels (Belgium), 6-8 May 2024
Your personal data is processed in accordance with Regulation (EU) No 2018/17251 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data by the Union institutions, bodies, offices and agencies and on the free movement of such data.
The data controller of the processing operation is the Head of Unit I.02 (SMP/COSME Pillar) of the European Innovation Council and SME Executive Agency (EISMEA).
The following entities process your personal data on our behalf:
Cecoforma SA, AUmediage, U Services Management Intrasoft, Action Global Communications Ltd. :
The European Cluster Collaboration Platform (ECCP) consortium, represented by: 1) IMP³ROVE – European Innovation Management Academy EWIV, Dreischeibenhaus 1, 40211 Düsseldorf, Germany, whose functional mailbox is data.privacy@improve-, in cooperation with: 2) AgriFood Lithuania DIH, Mokslininku st. 2A, LT- 08412 Vilnius, Lithuania, 3) European Cluster Alliance, Rue Belliard 40, 1040 Etterbeek, RPM Brussels, Belgium, 4) Association Européenne des Agences de Développement, Rue Montoyer 24 bte 13, B-1000 Brussels, Belgium, 5) InPulse Partners SRL, Calea Floreasca 167 bis, et 4, cam 2, 014459 Bucharest, Romania, 6) iO Belgium, Zavelheide 15, 2200 Herentals, Belgium, 7) LOW Associates Brussels SRL, Rue de la Longue Haie, 63, Boite 1, 1000 Brussels, Belgium, 8) Polish Cluster Association (Związek Pracodawców Klastry Polskie), ul. Księcia Bolesława 1/3, 01-452 Warszawa, Poland, 9) Asociación IDiA, Calle Eduardo Ibarra 6, 50009 Zaragoza, Spain, 10) Prognos AG, Rue de la Loi 155, Brussels, Belgium, Brussels, VDI/VDE Innovation + Technik GmbH, Steinplatz 1, 10623 Berlin, Germany, and 11) Consulting Cluster Veritas Ltd, 34, Bogatitsa Street, Office A-01, Sofia, 1421, Bulgaria.
The legal basis for the processing activities is:
The purpose(s) of this processing are to: register and manage participation of interested persons to the European Cluster Conference; provide related follow-up activities such as satisfaction survey, communication concerning the event, post event communication, invitation to the next year edition, management of lists and mailing-lists for contacts, presentations, live web streaming and/or audio and video recording of speakers and participants, to include data in the participants list which will be shared with other participants on the B2match platform (only upon prior approval) to allow online networking, for internal statistical reporting.
The following of your personal data are collected: your title, first name, family name, organisation, function, email address, country, role, sector, beneficiary. Moreover, for speakers, their biographies and/or CVs are also collected. Participants who are invited to travel to Prague will be asked additionally to share their ID/Passport details for ticket arrangements. All personal data are mandatory for the purpose(s) outlined above.
In addition, the following non-mandatory personal data are collected: speakers’ photos, dietary restrictions when relevant, mobility assistance when relevant, questions in regard to the organisation of the event onsite.
For onsite participants, please note that the event will be (partly) web-streamed and it is possible that you will be recorded. It is also possible that photographs of you will be taken during the event and might be used for related communication purposes via EISMEA website, EISMEA social media accounts (LinkedIn, Twitter), the European Cluster Collaboration Platform (ECCP) and its social media accounts (LinkedIn, Twitter, FlickR, YouTube), participants’ social media accounts and promoting communication channels (international press). Upon registration, you can give your explicit consent to have your image/voice recorded and published on related communication channels. In the absence of your consent, the organiser will try to find suitable alternatives, so that you can fully take part in the event, e.g. by offering an alternative area to follow the event. Online participants will not be recorded.
1 Regulation (EU) 2018/1725 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2018 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data by the Union institutions, bodies, offices and agencies and on the free movement of such data and repealing Regulation (EC) No 45/2001 and Decision No 1247/2002/EC (OJ L295/39 of 21.11.2018).
2 EISMEA Establishment Act: Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2021/173 of 12 February 2021 establishing the European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency, the European Health and Digital Executive Agency, the European Research Executive Agency, the European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency, the European Research Council Executive Agency, and the European Education and Culture Executive Agency and repealing Implementing Decisions 2013/801/EU, 2013/771/EU, 2013/778/EU, 2013/779/EU, 2013/776/EU and 2013/770/EU (OJ L 50/9 of 15.2.2021)
European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency (EISMEA), B-1049 Brussels, BELGIUM
The recipients of your personal data will be the authorised staff of the EISMEA Agency and Commission in charge of the organisation and follow-up of the event, EISMEA’s contractor and sub-contractors as Cecoforma SA, AUmediage, U Services Management, Intrasoft, Global Action Communications Ltd., contractor’s approved third party tools (B2match, Fielddrive, Seauton), staff of EISMEA’s contractors in charge of the European Cluster Collaboration Platform and bodies in charge of monitoring or inspection tasks in application of Union or national law (e.g. internal audits, Court of Auditors, European Anti- fraud Office (OLAF), law enforcement bodies). The name of your organisation, your function, your picture (if voluntarily uploaded) and your name and surname are visible for other participants of the event after logging-in via the registration tool on the website (B2match). In addition, EISMEA will collect your first name, last name, and professional e-mail address to potentially contact you and to invite you to the next editions of the European Cluster Conference.
The participants list will not be distributed to other participants. A list will be however available on the B2match platform for those who will provide their prior approval for networking purposes.
The online event will be organised using the following tools:
For the purpose of hosting the digital event and managing the different side activities, including networking, sending emails, virtual exhibitions, Q&A, quizzes and polls, surveys, etc., B2match, third party tool under Cecoforma (contractor) responsibility, collects from sessions organisers, moderators, speakers and participants title, first name, family name, organisation, function, email address, country, role, sector, beneficiary.). Moreover, B2match also collects the following information: time zone, organisation name, organisation description, logo and website, organisation address, city and country. It hosts the collected personal data on servers in Germany. For information on how B2match uses cookies and processes personal data, please consult this link: Participants who will provide their consent to use B2match will be able to access to the app via the B2match app, or via the European Cluster Conference digital hub hosted by Cecoforma. The website will not provide any data, but a button will provide access to B2match. For information on how the European Cluster Conference digital hub uses cookies and processes personal data, please consult this link:
For the purpose of registering to the event, including collecting their personal data for the confirmation of participation, Aventri, third party tool under Cecoforma (contractor) responsibility, collects from sessions organisers, moderators, speakers, exhibitors and participants title, first name, family name, organisation, function, email address, country, role, sector, beneficiary.). It hosts the collected personal data on servers in the EU. For information on how Aventri uses cookies and processes personal data, please consult this link:
For the purpose of watching the streamed online sessions, including the possibility to use Slido, ask questions via a chat box, Beyond, third party tool under Cecoforma (contractor) responsibility, collects from sessions organisers, moderators, speakers, exhibitors and participants title, first name, family name, organisation, function, email address, country). It hosts the collected personal data on servers in the EU. For information on how Beyond uses cookies and processes personal data, please consult this link:
For the purpose of connection for the streaming, including the possibility to chat, speak live with other participants, Zoom, third party tool under Cecoforma (contractor) responsibility, collects from sessions organisers, moderators, speakers). It hosts the collected personal data on servers in the EU. For information on how Zoom uses cookies and processes personal data, please consult this link: us/privacy.html
Only for the onsite event, the purpose of badging onsite participants, including the printing of a dedicated badge, Fielddrive, third party tool under Cecoforma (contractor) responsibility, collects from sessions organisers, moderators, speakers, exhibitors and participants title, first name, family name, organisation, function, email address, country). It hosts the collected personal data on servers in the EU. For information on how Fielddrive uses cookies and processes personal data, please consult this link: biometrics
Onsite participants will be asked to show their ID at the entrance for registration compliance and may be required to show their COVID safe ticket, if applicable, during the event period under the Czech government regulations applied.
The following technical and organisational security measures are in place to safeguard the processing of your personal data:
The processing of your data will not include automated decision-making (such as profiling).
Your personal data will be kept for a maximum period of 10 years after the end of the Single Market Programme (SMP). Data will be deleted at the end of this period.
You have the right to access your personal data and to request your personal data to be rectified, if the data is inaccurate or incomplete; where applicable, you have the right to request restriction or to object to processing, to request a copy or erasure of your personal data held by the data controller. If processing is based on your consent, you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time, without affecting the lawfulness of the processing based on your consent before its withdrawal.
Your request to exercise one of the above rights will be dealt with without undue delay and within one month.
Your right to information, access, rectification, erasure, restriction or objection to processing, communication of a personal data breach or confidentiality of electronic communications may be restricted only under certain specific conditions as set out in the applicable Restriction Decision in accordance with Article 25 of Regulation (EU) 2018/1725.
If you have any queries concerning the processing of your personal data, you may address them to Head of Unit SMP/COSME-Pillar Unit I.02 of the EISMEA (entity acting as data controller) via
You shall have the right of recourse at any time to the EISMEA Data Protection Officer at and to the European Data Protection Supervisor at